

Our story

Webpac® founder, Duncan Briffett, came across a fax blast to suppliers from a major brand, sourcing an oval shaped pack. It was clear that a cloud-based platform for brands and suppliers to connect was a market necessity.

In 1996, Webpac was created as a forward-looking cloud solutions company and its first solution Webpackaging® was developed to help brands and their pack suppliers connect.

Webpac has since launched further cloud-based solutions including Pack Portal™, a software-as-a-service solution for brands to accelerate innovation. Webpac provides a range of state-of-the-art Web, Catalog, & 3D Solutions, as well as powerful digital Commercial Solutions for packaging suppliers.

The Webpac journey so far has been an amazing one. Our clients range from packaging start-ups to global fast moving consumer goods companies. We are an incredible team that continuously evolves to meet client needs, as we listen and learn from the customers who inspire our daily business.

Contact us now and
accelerate your business!

Our purpose

Connecting brands and suppliers for a better planet

Making a better planet is a huge undertaking that requires everyone to play their small part. Webpac helps its customers make a better planet by providing them with effective solutions.

• Promotion of packaging solutions that are better for the planet.
• Access to existing packaging products to avoid reinventing the wheel.
• Effective digital catalogues eliminating the need for printed brochures.
• Digital prototyping to reduce the number of physical samples required.
• Intelligent analytics to assist in sourcing greener solutions.

Webpac´s team help make a better planet through simple adaptations to their work lives.

• Remote working to reduce travel and emissions.
• Shared co-working for energy efficiency.
• No physically owned printers, servers, networks – minimum hardware.
• Recycling and refilling in the office and at home.
• Learning about Conscious Capitalism.